Federal Government considers the many benefits of speed limiting technology. |
The Ferderal Groverment is considering the introduction of speed limiting on Australian Roads. This new concept in the introduction of a speed limiter in all vehicles travelling in Australian roads. A speed limiter is a built-in microchip that allows the speed of a vehicle to be preset. The technology is already in use in some countries.
According to the Canada Safety Council, "speed limiting would ensure all trucks operate at a save speed. That would reduce highway collisions related to tailgating and improper lane changes".
This anti-speed technology has one major drawback: the drive can over ride this system. In November 2011, Sydney is going to host the First International Conference on Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA).
They will be reviewing the effectiveness of the world first passive ISA navigator device with notional speed limit database. This conference will be held in (NSW) Sydney. This technology will not only limit the car speed but record how fast a vehicle is travelling along along any road.
AusProtec is the first ISA to be introduce onto the Australin market. AusProtec is manufactured and distributed in Australia by Remote Control Technologies Pty Ltd, (RCT) based in Perth, and offices in Kalgoorile, Mt Isa, Brisbane and Melbourne. RCT state the benefits of installing AusProtve will be seen in the reduced number of speed related injuries.
RCT also state AusProte will save on fuel and maintenance costs and also will extends vehicle service life. All this saving car owners money.
This technology can be applied to a wide range of vehicles. Any car with a cable throttle can be fitted with an AusProtec. These new speed limiters of the future will provide the most accurate speed information to protect licences. ISA will not only save lives but save money also.Speed limiting is the way to go.
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